Let it be...
The taste of smoked beef tonight
Has been kerosined beyond
Endurable taste buds.
The speed of the cheetah
Decreased by dazed wills
Exercised by fools.
The laughter of the hyena
Transformed into wailing whales
Announcing the slope.
Can the bat see
In the day?
Can the blind
Lead the blind?
Let Nature dance
To its best tune
For all must be, So
Let it be...
The taste of smoked beef tonight
Has been kerosined beyond
Endurable taste buds.
The speed of the cheetah
Decreased by dazed wills
Exercised by fools.
The laughter of the hyena
Transformed into wailing whales
Announcing the slope.
Can the bat see
In the day?
Can the blind
Lead the blind?
Let Nature dance
To its best tune
For all must be, So
Let it be...
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